Emoji Equations

Here’s a fun and simple way to introduce equations to students. The equation worksheets have one-step equations and two step equations to practice. Our equation worksheets are easy to use, free to download, and very fun for students. Enjoy this resource when introducing equations.

Adding and Subtracting Emoji Equations

Make basic operations more exciting with these emoji-filled math worksheets! Students will solve colorful equations where familiar emojis represent numbers, making addition and subtraction practice more engaging and entertaining. These worksheets are perfect for building number sense while bringing smiles to your students’ faces.

Emoji Equations Adding and Subtracting A | Emoji Equations
Emoji Equations Worksheet
Emoji Equations Adding and Subtracting B | Emoji Equations
Emoji Equations Worksheet
Emoji Equations Adding and Subtracting C | Emoji Equations
Emoji Equations Worksheet
Emoji Equations Adding and Subtracting D | Emoji Equations
Emoji Equations Worksheet

Two Step Emoji Equations

Ready for a bigger challenge? These two-step emoji equations take problem-solving to the next level! Students will use their addition and subtraction skills to crack the code of these multi-step emoji puzzles. These worksheets are ideal for advancing mathematical thinking while maintaining the fun factor that emojis bring to learning.

Emoji Equations Two Step Problems A|Emoji Equations
Emoji Equations Worksheet
Emoji Equations Two Step Problems B | Emoji Equations
Emoji Equations Worksheet
Emoji Equations Two Step Problems C | Emoji Equations
Emoji Equations Worksheet
Emoji Equations Two Step Problems D | Emoji Equations
Emoji Equations Worksheet

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