Subtracting with Words

Strengthen number word recognition with these unique worksheets that present subtraction problems in written form. Instead of using numerals, problems like “seven minus three equals” help students connect number words with their numerical values while practicing subtraction.

Subtracting with Words to Ten- Practice subtraction math facts using words. Subtracting with words to 10 math worksheets teaching
Subtracting with Words to Ten- More subtraction math facts using words to ten. Subtracting with words to 10 math worksheets teaching
Subtracting with Words to Ten- Practice subtraction math facts using words. Subtracting with words to 10 math worksheets teaching
Subtracting with Words to Ten- More subtraction math facts using words to ten. Subtracting with words to 10 math worksheets teaching
Subtracting with Words to Twenty- Practice subtraction math facts using words. Subtracting with words to 20 math worksheets teaching
Subtracting with Words to Twenty- More subtraction math facts using words to ten. Subtracting with words to twenty math worksheets teaching
Subtracting with Words to Twenty- Practice subtraction math facts using words. Subtracting with words to twenty math worksheets teaching
Subtracting with Words to Twenty- More subtraction math facts using words to ten. Subtracting with words to twenty math worksheets teaching

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