Teaching Tips and Instructions

How do I teach Multiplication?

Here’s a collection of the multiplication resources that we have put together from our various sites, as well as other valuable resources that will help you with multipication instruction.

Multiplication Coloring Pages on Coloring Squared

These pages are a fun way to review instruction and build toward mastery.

Jr. Multiplication

Multiplying to 50

Multiplying to 100

Multiplication Worksheets on Teaching Squared

Use these pages to help instruct in multiplying with 1 number. Then move on to multiplying to 50 before giving students the harder pages that multiply to 100.

Jr. Multiplication

Multiplying to 50

Multiplying to 100

Multiplication Resources from our other webites:

Coloring Squared Play

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Play Coloring Squared online for free in the web version of our math coloring worksheet.

8-Bit Academy

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This site features fun math web games with several multiplication practices including Grid Slider X.

Super Math Land

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Online Multiplication Math Board Game

Schoolhouse Rock

I’ve always enjoyed using Schoolhouse Rock’s collection of Multiplication videos during instruction. It’s an incredible collection of memorable videos that practice each times table and shows grouping and skip counting numbers to show multiplication visually.