Are you struggling with how to teach phonics to your children or students. Teaching Squared has been building an incredible fully realized phonics instruction system, and we are ready to bring it out and get your feedback to make it even better. Please feel free to download and use it with your student/s and let us know how well it works and what we can do to improve it for you. Thank you!
Periodic Table of Phonics
The Periodic Table of Phonics acts as the student’s master list that will start every phonics lesson before instruction.
Simplify instruction. Color coded phonics categorization makes it easy to know what sounds to teach together.
Road Map and Destination! Don’t try to drive your kids to reading without showing them where they are going. The Periodic Table is a map. And everyone gets around better with a map!
Phonics Charts
Print this set of phonics charts to help students practice their phonics sounds.
“A in ant says (short a sound),
E in egg says “say short e sound),”
Student should have their finger pointing at the phonics charts while reciting them.
Consider helping students recite the entire chart one time each day. Start with just 1-2 pages per day when building fluency. (Perfection is better than speed).
Short Vowel Blenders
Long Vowel Blenders are an essential tool to build reading fluency for early readers.
“(B sound) (A sound) ba.
(B sound) (E sound) be.
Student pronounces sounds individually, and then again as a word part.
Long Vowel Blenders
Long Vowel Blenders are another tool to build reading fluency for early readers.
“(D sound) (Long A Sound) (T Sound). date”
Student pronounces sounds individually, and then again as a word.
Have another student read word list.
Flash Cards
Print the entire library of phonics sounds with these color coded phonic flashcards.
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